Getting married in Rovinj

Basic informationsBBBABBasic information:

  • Find a free time slot at the Registrar’s Office or the church of your choice
  • Registration with the Registrar’s Office is mandatory for future brides and grooms who have decided on having a church wedding ceremony only
  • Future brides and grooms must schedule the date and time of the church ceremony with the competent official of the religious community
  • The registrar issues the Certificate of Prerequisites for Religious Marriage (2 copies)
  • certificates are valid through three months from the date they are issued
  • The overleaf contains a certificate to be filled out by the authorised official of the religious community. It serves as a proof of registration of the already solemnised marriage into the state Marriage Register

To register,  you need the following documents:

  • Birth Certificate (must be dated within 3 months of the wedding day),
  • Certificate of Nationality (domovnica) or other proof of citizenship
  • Foreign citizens have to submit the Single Status Certificate
  • Identity cards of future bride and groom and their witnesses (witnesses must be over 18 years old)
  • The fee for weddings at the official premises is HRK 300.00 (registration free)
  • Church wedding fee is HRK 140.00
  • Religious communities require certificates of belonging to a particular community, they organise special courses for future brides and grooms.
  • You need to schedule the rehearsal of church wedding.

Wedding ceremony outside of the official venue means that the official has to arrive at the designated location, which implies additional expenses.

The fee for weddings at a venue over 10 km from the Registrar’s Office is:

  • 10% of gross salary per employee in the Republic of Croatia
  • Over 10 km – 20% of the said base pay
  • Morning weddings – 8.00 am-4 pm – extra 10%
  • 4 pm-8 pm –  extra 20%
  • Weddings from 8 pm-10 pm – extra 30%
  • On Sundays and holidays, the above fee increases by 100%
  • Exceptions for health-related reasons – the said fees are reduced by 50%

Documents required for weddings of foreign citizens:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate stating that the wedding solemnised in Croatia shall be recognised in the home country
  • Copies of passports
  • All documents have to be original (except for passport copies) and dated within 3 months of the wedding registration, fully legalised in the other country and translated by an authorised court interpreter in Croatia.
  • Full legalisation comprises certificates of competent bodies in the home country and the certificate of the Croatian Embassy in the home country.
  • Wedding has to be registered at least 30 days from its solemnisation, but not more than 45 days.
  • An authorised court interpreter obtained by the future bride and groom has to be present both at the wedding registration and during the ceremony.

What are the church wedding requirements?

The engaged couple has to personally undertake the following steps before the actual ceremony:
contact the parish priest of the parish in which they live – their parish priest (either the parish priest of the future bride or the future groom; the same refers to those who want to get married in the parish out of their residence – out of their own parish), complete the pre-marriage course for couples (application for the course is issued by their own parish priest), acquire the necessary documents for the wedding process (on the occasion of the first encounter, the parish priest will inform the engaged couple about the documents necessary to initiate the wedding process). If the future bride and groom have not been baptised at the parish where the are initiating the wedding process, in order to get married, they must present a Baptismal Certificate for each party that must be dated within 6 months of the wedding day. The certificate is obtained at the parish/church in which they were baptised.