Investing in Rovinj

Rovinj’s advantages

Apart for its favourable position, climate, beauty and high social standards, Rovinj is a place of exceptional business opportunities and headquarters of numerous big and small crafts.
Advantages of Rovinj’s economy in a nutshell:
– in 2015, 829 entrepreneurs operated in Rovinj with a total turnover of HRK 6,595,775,000.00
– average monthly net wage paid per employee is HRK 6,185.00
– user’s fees are among the lowest in Croatia,
– almost all areas are covered by physical plans,
– 4G coverage reaching the entire city area,
– construction permits for the investors opening new workplaces have priority status
– favourable business climate resulted in over 3 billion kuna worth investments over the past five years.

Passing the Act on Investment Promotion, the Republic of Croatia secured the legal framework necessary to increase the number and quality of investemnt programmes that can be realised in attractive investment destinations like the City of Rovinj-Rovigno owing to the implementation of new equipment and cutting-edge technology, higher employment rate and employees with a higher level of education, development of products and services with more added value, greater competitiveness, balanced regional development and a more efficient management of resources and use of territorial capital.

Under the Act on Investment Promotion, investment promotion and stimulation of  improvement of the investment climate in Rovinj implies a system of incentive measures for investment projects and incentive measures for their timely realisation.

Therefore, the said Act secures a legal framework for creating preconditions for an increase in the number and quality of investment projects. Incentive measures stipulated by the said Act refer to projects aimed at investing and strengthening competitive capacities for manufacturing and processing activities, development and innovation activities, business support activities, activities related to high added value services. The Act stipulates incentives for microentrepreneurs, tax incentives, incentives for opening new workplaces, incentives for investment-related specialisation, incentives for activities with higher added value, incentive measures for capital expenses of the investment project and incentive measures for work intense investment projects.

The said act is harmonised with the State Aid Act, the acquis communautaire of the European Union and legal acts of the Council of Europe. For more details about the Act on Investment Promotion visit the following web page:

Consequently, the City of Rovinj-Rovigno will continue its active engagement in the period between 2016 – 2020 aimed at creating new economic conditions, especially through a continuous development of new physical planning documents, promotion of business and  entrepreneurial zones, leasing business premises of the City of Rovinj to lessees, forming public and private partnerships with interested investors intent on increasing individual and general standard of living for the inhabitants of the city of Rovinj.

Various investments are possible in the city of Rovinj-Rovigno. According to the interest expressed by its inhabitants, priority projects concern the construction of an indoor swimming pool, an amusement and cultural centre, a new bus station, development of the city harbour with municipal moorings, construction of a new nursing home, a hospice for terminally ill patients and city transport by mini busses for persons living in dislocated locations, construction of Monvi-Cuvi sports and recreational zone and the city stadium.
The City of Rovinj secures significant funding for the implementation of programmes related to stimulating the development of economy and agriculture, namely:

a) Programme of providing loans to entrepreneurs and craftsmen implemented from the year 2011 under which the City of Rovinj subsidises interest rates of 1-3% depending on the type of activity or investment. For more information about the Programme, visit the following website:
b) The programme of incentive measures for entrepreneurship in the City of Rovinj – Rovigno implies finances in the form of incentives granted through six measures:

  1. incentives to the newly established crafts and companies
  2. incentives to entrepreneurs for financing equipment and candidacy of EU projects
  3. incentives for new employment and self-employment
  4. subsidising investment in quality standards
  5. subsidising the expenses related to taking professional and master’s exams
  6. reducing municipal contributions and fees for investments in the territory of entrepreneur zones in the city of Rovinj-Rovigno and Rovinjsko Selo.

For more information about the grants approved through the above six implementation measures, their detailed description, the Programme for stimulating the development of entrepreneurship for the year 2016 and the incentive request forms visit the following web site of the City of Rovinj-Rovigno: