Working in Rovinj

The Aliens Act (Official Gazette, no. 130/11) and the Act on Modifications and Amendments to the Aliens Act (Official Gazette, no. 74/13) stipulate that a foreign citizen can work in the Republic of Croatia based on a work permit or a work registration certificate. The said acts are available at the following web pages:

The Aliens Act regulates conditions for an alien to work in the Republic of Croatia either based on a work permit or a work registration certificate.
The following aliens can work in the Republic of Croatia without a work permit or a work registration certificate provided that they have an approved:

  1. permanent residence,
  2. asylum, subsidiary or temporary protection,
  3. temporary stay for the purpose of family reunification, alien with a permanent residence, asylum seeker or alien with approved subsidiary or temporary protection,
  4. temporary residence for the humanitarian purpose,
  5. autonomous stay,
  6. full-time student status or student status when performing works through authorised agents without establishing employment relationship,
  7. temporary residence for purposes of scholarly research approved under the Hosting Agreement.

Residence and work permit:
Work registration certificate:

Aliens stay: